10 mistakes to avoid while appearing for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam
IAS aspirants appearing for the UPSC civil services Mains exam train all year round and work day in and day out to score well in these exams. It takes immense dedication during the preparation period. While it is good that aspirants pour in their heart and soul into it, it is wise and productive to do it the smart way. Many aspirants tend to give up or score less than their expectations as they failed to adopt the right methods of preparation and implement the wrong applications in the exams. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to competitive exams of this scale. IAS Academy in Chennai recommends taking advice and tips from top IAS Achievers to gain the most effective methods to ace the mains exams. Best IAS academy in Tamil Nadu has mentioned that IAS Aspirants can ace exams when they put in the dedication and effort during the preparation period and implement it wisely in the exams. Kamaraj IAS Academy believes that aspirants appearing for the exam must be equally responsible while attempting the paper as they are during the preparation phase. What can you as an IAS aspirant do right to exceed expectations?
List of 10 mistakes to avoid while appearing for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam:
1. Not writing enough
When attempting to write the main papers, writing enough relevant content is very important. This helps the examiner know that you have understood the concept and can apply it practically. Using examples, case studies, statistics, etc can be useful when writing descriptive. This shows that you have adequate insights and expertise on the topics. Writing a lot does not translate to good marks. However, writing adequately and with quality is more important for UPSC CSE Mains. At Kamaraj IAS Academy, we conduct frequent tests and evaluation sessions to give aspirants the exposure to compose and structure answers with good enough content.
2. Lack of writing practice
Descriptive papers are longer than people expect them to be. And they need good enough writing practice to be able to complete it on time. IAS aspirants take up the mains exams loaded with information. But, with the lack of adequate writing practice, aspirants find it very hard to complete the entire paper. Practicing to write as you learn can help develop good writing practice. It also helps to time your writing and improvise wherever necessary. Many achievers and mentors suggest using a good pen during practice and using the same pen while writing the exams as well. Cultivating speed and legible handwriting is also crucial in writing the IAS mains papers. Kamaraj IAS Academy is always ready to give students tasks and topics to write about, training them and equipping them to write more in the exams.
3. Writing general answers
IAS mentors say that the answers written in the main exam must carry perspectives, opinions, case examples, ideas and thoughts on the matter. Writing a general answer can imply that you know about the subject matter. But, having something useful or constructive to say about it can show that you are good at leadership and framing measures to improve the situations Making a good impression with the examiners by making your answers speak for themselves is one of the benefits of a descriptive paper. Showing that you know the facts is easy in objective papers. Descriptive papers give you an opportunity to show your voice to the panel of examiners. Mentors and teachers at Kamaraj IAS Academy give students insights and various perspectives on the subject matter, enabling them to retain it in the exams as well.
4. Not answering the question
Although competitive exams of this scale carry negative scores for wrong answers, they can also backfire when you do not answer enough questions. Make an attempt to answer the questions. Even if there is a limited time frame, proceed to write the answer to whatever extent time allows you to. Sometimes, aspirants can be in such a rush that they only read the keywords of the question and assume what the question would be and begin to answer it. Take time to read and understand the question completely before beginning to attempt it. As there is very limited time to complete the paper, saving time by properly understanding the question and not wasting any time by writing the wrong answer is important.
5. Badly structured answers
When you begin to write an answer, it is important to put in all the necessary facts. It is equally important to draft the answer in an organized manner. Start with the most important point and then the second most important point must follow, so on and so forth. Before writing the answer, take a few seconds to plan and structure it. The habit of writing structured answers, however, will stem only from the habit of note making during preparation. IAS mentors say that framing an answer’s structure must not be during the exam but during the time of preparation. Good not making practices and writing practice can help you write well organized and planned answers which will instantly impress examiners. Kamaraj IAS Academy gives regular tests and assesses aspirants to write good answers that are relevant, organized and attractive.
6. Lack of introspection
When attempting mock papers, analyze both correct and wrong answers. Make it a point to learn from your answers and find areas to improvise them. Make sure that you have placed the important points well and have structured the answers. Check your sources and credits. Verify the facts and upgrade them if necessary. Check if your case studies and examples are relevant to the subject matter. Overall ensure a thorough analysis of your mock answer paper to know your status and improve it.
7. Not following exam etiquettes
When writing any competitive exam, especially the IAS mains papers, Kamaraj IAS Academy recommends following certain etiquettes:
- Only write what is relevant in the paper. Avoid writing names, slogans, religious symbols, etc.
- Do not disclose your identity anywhere in the paper.
- Avoid writing in mixed language mediums. If you want to write in your regional language, opt to write in that medium and stick to it throughout the paper.
- Do not write partially with ink and partially with a pencil. Use a single color ink throughout the paper.
- Do not in any way or manner appeal to the examiner.
- Write in legible handwriting. It need not be fancy writing. But it must be neat and understandable to read.
- If you are to cancel a specific answer, strike it out and convey the same to the examiner for more clarity.
8. Using multiple books to study
IAS aspirants tend to use multiple books to prepare for the exam. While it is necessary to have a good knowledge base about the subject matter, avoid using multiple editions or books which tend to be contradictory in nature. The most preferred and credible books are NCERT books. These are very useful in terms of detailed study and factually correct. Stick to booked recommended by mentors and the best IAS Academy in Tamil Nadu and study them thoroughly. Use references and books mentioned by top guides for the UPSC CSE Mains paper. Kamaraj IAS Academy provides studies with quality and credible study material adequate to help them score well.
9. Choosing irrelevant optional subjects
While choosing the optional subject, it is better to choose subjects that are related to the graduation subjects. Also, consider the availability of study materials and the relevance of the subject to your interests. Choosing the wrong optional subject may affect your overall scores and merits during the final ranking.
10. Not reading enough current affairs
Making note of current affairs and reading the newspapers is very important. Most questions asked in the exams are based on current affairs. Having adequate data and perspectives about the topics can come in very handy during both the prelims and main exams for UPSC. Regular quizzes and interactive sessions motivate students at Kamraj IAS Academy to stay in touch with current affairs.
Summing Up
It takes big dedication and courage to onboard this journey of becoming an IAS officer. The preparations are at most times the easier parts. Attempting to write the exams is when the real test begins. Make sure to follow good mentorship and their tips to ace the exams. Ultimately, it comes down to your hard work and willpower that will pay off in the end. A little bit of smart work sure does give you a boost. Kamaraj IAS Academy is one of the top IAS academies in Tamil Nadu. We have trained and equipped many IAS aspirants with tips and resources right from learning the syllabus and cracking the interviews. With a number of mocks and study material, mentorship and training, IAS aspirants can find themselves soaring to the top.