“CAPF eAwas” web-portal

Article Title: “CAPF eAwas” web-portal


Polity & Governance Prelims Plus

The web-portal will enable online registration and allotment of residential quarters/SFAs to eligible personnel of all CAPFs& Assam Rifles.

In order to operationalise the revised policy of allotment and to also bring transparency to the allotment process, a common web-portal 'CAPF eAwas' has been developed.

CAPF eAwas portal, which has been developed on the lines of the online allotment system of ‘General Pool Residential Accommodation (eSampada)’, will facilitate maintenance of an accurate inventory of ‘Residential Quarters/Separated Family Accommodation (SFA)’ held by CAPFs, as well as their allotment through online process to eligible Force personnel..

This initiative of the Government is a step towards the welfare of Force personnel by way of enabling inter-Force allotment of residential accommodation which will go a long way in meeting the housing needs of Force personnel.

The portal also has the provision for intimation to the applicant thru SMS and e-mail at various stages of allotment process. The portal would also facilitate planning for construction of new quarters based on demand-gap analysis.

The portal has a provision that if a house of any particular Force is not allotted for any reason for a period of four months, then any Central Armed Police Force personnel can apply for the same vacant house online.

CAPF’s is a uniform nomenclature for the six Forces of the Union of India under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

These Forces are, (i) the Assam Rifles (AR), (ii)the Border Security Force (BSF), (iii) the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), (iv) the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), (v) the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and (vi) the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).