Current Affairs - Current Affairs Analysis

Relative Humidity and its role in global warming


Geography Current Affairs Analysis

India’s first water body census


Environment & Ecology Current Affairs Analysis

Juvenile Crimes in India


Polity & Governance Current Affairs Analysis

EU’s new crypto-legislation


International Relations Current Affairs Analysis

A new edge to the fight against tuberculosis


Environment & Ecology Current Affairs Analysis

India-UAE cooperation in Food Security


Summits and Organisations Current Affairs Analysis

UNFPA’s State of World Population (SOWP) report.


Social Issues Current Affairs Analysis

Rise of rural entrepreneurs


Economy Current Affairs Analysis

Heat Wave and its impact


Geography Current Affairs Analysis

Jagadish Chandra Bose: Extraordinary man of science


Science & Technology Current Affairs Analysis

Project Tiger- Conservation of Tigers


History & Art and Culture Current Affairs Analysis

Environment Impact Assessment


Environment & Ecology Current Affairs Analysis

The rules for recognition as national and State party


Polity & Governance Current Affairs Analysis

The Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control and Discipline) Bill, 2023


Defence & Internal Security Current Affairs Analysis

Uttaramerur inscription of Cholas


History & Art and Culture Current Affairs Analysis

UPSC Current Affairs Analysis is an essential aspect of UPSC preparation as it provides candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the recent developments happening in the country and the world.

Kamaraj IAS Academy provides a valuable resource for UPSC aspirants by publishing Current Affairs Analysis articles on a regular basis.

Articles are designed to help students stay up-to-date with the latest developments in various fields, including science, technology, economics, politics, and more. By providing concise and accurate analysis of current events, Kamaraj IAS Academy helps students understand the implications of these events for their exam preparation. This helps students to develop a broader understanding of the world around them, which is essential for success in the UPSC exams.