A deep depression currently situated over Saurashtra and Kachchh regions of Gujarat is expected to intensify into acyclonic storm(Cyclone Asna). Cyclone Asna would be the first cyclone to form in August in theNorth Indian Ocean (NIO) regionsince 1981 and the first in the Arabian Sea since 1976.
What are Cyclones?
- A cyclone is alarge-scale system of airthat rotates around the centre of alow-pressure area
- The cyclone forms around the low-pressure area, called adepression, along a zone of cold and warm air exchange called the ‘eye wall’. The eye is the central and calmest part of the cyclone
- From this eye wall, long, arching cloud and rain systems calledrainbands spiral outwards, which bring alternating periods of intense rain and calm spells during a cyclone.
- The air circulates inward in an:
- anticlockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere
- clockwise in the Southern hemisphere
Worldwide terminology
- Cyclones are given many names in different regions of the world – They are known as:
- Typhoonsin the China Sea and Pacific Ocean
- Hurricanesin the West Indian islands in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
- Tornadosin the Guinea lands of West Africa and southern USA
- Willy-williesin north-western Australia
- Tropical cyclonesin the Indian Ocean

Who gave this name?
Asnaname has beengiven by Pakistan.
How are cyclones named?
- In the year 2000, nations in the northern Indian Ocean adopted a new system for naming tropical cyclones; the names are listed alphabetically by country and are gender-neutral.
- The name list is usually proposed by WMO Members’ National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in a particular region and approved by the respective tropical cyclone regional bodies at their annual/biannual sessions.
Rotational Basis: Cyclones are named by countries on a rotational basis.
Regional Meteorological Centers:Worldwide, six specialized regional meteorological centers (RSMCs) and five regional Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWCs) are mandated for issuing advisories and naming tropical cyclones.
IMD’s Role:The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) is one of the RSMCs providing advisories and naming for the north Indian Ocean, including the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
Member Countries: IMD serves 13 member countries under the WMO/Economic and Social Commission for Asia-Pacific (ESCAP) Panel, including Bangladesh, India, Iran, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
- List of 169 Names: IMD released a list of 169 cyclone names in 2020, with 13 suggestions from each of the 13 member countries.