Why in news?
Recently, India has officially joined theInternational Big Cat Alliance (IBCA), which waslaunched by the Prime Minister in 2023
- IBCA aims to protect big cats and their habitats.
About IBCA
- International Big Cat Alliance(IBCA)is amulti-country,multi-agency coalitionof96 big cat range countries,non-range countriesinterested in big catconservation, conservation partners and scientific organizations working in the field of big cat conservation besidesbusiness groupsandcorporates, to establish networks and develop synergies in a focused manner.
- Its idea was1stfloatedby India’s Prime Minister in2019.
- It was launched inApril 2023to celebrate the50thanniversary of ProjectTiger.
- The Union Cabinet had allocated a one-time budgetary support of Rs150 crorefor IBCA for a five-year period —2023-24 to 2027-28.
- It aims at conservation ofseven big catsnamelyTiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Cheetah, Jaguar, and Puma.
- Objectives of IBCA:
- To stop the illegal wildlife trade of the seven big cats.
- To work towards the conservation of natural habitats of the seven big cats.
- Mobilisation of financial and technical resources for implementing the conservation and protection agenda.
Governing structure
- It will consist of anAssembly of Members,Standing Committeeand aSecretariat, with itsheadquarters in India.
- ItsFramework of Agreement(statute) has been drafted largely onthe pattern of the International Solar Alliance.
- The statute of IBCA will be finalised by anInternational Steering Committee.
- ASteering Committeewill be constituted withnominated national focal pointsof founding member countries.
- Appointment of DG by MoEFCC asInterim Head of IBCA Secretariattill IBCA appoints its own DG during Assembly meeting.
- IBCA Assembly atMinisterial levelto be chaired by President, HMEFCC, Gol.
Big Cats
- ‘Big Cat’is a term that is used to apply to anylarge speciesof the familyFelidae. Usually, it applies to the members of the genusPanthera. These include:
- Tiger(Panthera tigris)
- Lion(Panthera leo)
- Jaguar(Panthera onca)
- Leopard(Panthera pardus)
- Snow Leopard(Panthera uncia)
- Two other cats, i.ePuma(Puma concolor)andCheetah(Acinonyx jubatus), arenot part of Panthera. But they are usuallyincludedin most listings of ‘big cats’.
- All these cats can usually makevocalisationsknown as ‘roars’.
- TheIndian subcontinenthas been historically home to theBengal tiger,Asiatic lion,Indian leopard,Indian/Asiatic cheetahas well asSnow leopard.
- Thecheetahwas declaredextinct in 1952. In2022, the Government of India embarked on an ambitious programme tointroduceAfrican cheetahsto theKunoNational Parkin MP.