PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana

Article Title: PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana


Polity & Governance Current Affairs Analysis

About PM SuryaGharMuftBijliYojana:

•It is a government scheme launched on February 15, 2024, that aims to provide free electricity to households in India.

Under the scheme, households will be provided with a subsidy to install solarpanelsontheir roofs.

➢The subsidy will cover up to 40% of the cost of the solar panels.

➢The scheme is expected to benefit 1crorehouseholds across India.

➢It is estimated that the scheme will save the governmentRs. 75,000croreper year in electricity costs.

➢The scheme has an outlay ofRs75,021croreand is to be implemented till FY 2026-27

The scheme envisaged to generate up to 300 units of free electricity every month which would translate to benefits of₹15,000-18,000 annually for households.

➢Currently a rooftop solar system costs about ₹50,000 per KW.


➢The household must be an Indian citizen.

➢The household must own a house with a roof that is suitable for installing solar panels.

➢The household must have a valid electricity connection.

➢The household must not have availed any other subsidy for solar panels.

Under the scheme, DISCOMs are designated as State Implementation Agencies (SIAs)responsible for facilitating various measures, including net meter availability, timely inspection, and commissioning of installations

DISCOMs will receiveincentives based on their achievement in the installationof additional grid-connected rooftop solar capacity beyond a baseline level.

Thetotal financial outlayfor the ‘Incentives to DISCOMs’ component isRs4,950crore.