Why in news?
Over 40 migratory birds, belonging to two to three different species, have been found dead around Sambhar Lake in Jaipur district recently, prompting concerns among the officials.
About Sambhar Lake:
- It is thecountry’s largest inland saline water body, which attracts thousands of migratory birds every year.
- The death of more than 20,000 birds due to avian botulism, which migrate annually to the lake had made international headlines in 2019.
- The lake receives water from six rivers:Mantha, Rupangarh, Khari, Khandela, Medtha and Samod.
- Sambhar has been designated as aRamsar site(recognized wetland of international importance) because the wetland is a key wintering area for tens of thousands ofpink flamingosand other birds that migrate from northern Asia and Siberia.
Why there is need to conserve wetland?