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The Union Cabinet recently approved the continuation of three umbrella schemes merged into a unified central sector scheme called “Vigyan Dhara” under the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
About Vigyan Dhara Scheme:
- It is a newcentral sector scheme unifying three umbrella schemes oftheDepartment of Science and Technology(DST).
- The scheme hasthree broad components:
Science and Technology(S&T) Institutional and Human Capacity Building,
- Research and Developmentand
- Innovation,Technology DevelopmentandDeployment.
- These three schemes have beenmerged into the unified scheme‘Vigyan Dhara’.
- This initiative,managed by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), is designed to enhance India's S&T capabilities through a streamlined approach
- Theproposed outlayfor the implementation of the unified scheme ‘Vigyan Dhara’ isRs.10,579.84 crore during the15th Finance Commissionperiod from 2021-22 to 2025-26.
- The merger of the schemes into a single scheme would enhance efficiency in fund utilization and establish synchronization among the sub-schemes/programs.
- Theprimary objectiveof the 'Vigyan Dhara' scheme is topromote S&T capacity buildingas well asresearch, innovation, and technology developmenttowards strengthening the Science, Technology and Innovation ecosystem in the country.
- Components:
- The scheme endeavours to
- promote research in areas such as basic researchwith
- access totheinternational mega facilities,
- translational researchin sustainable energy, water, etc. and
- collaborative researchthrough international bilateral andmultilateral cooperation.
- It will also contribute tobuilding a critical human resource poolto strengthen the science and technology landscape andexpand the R&D baseof the country towardsimproving the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) researcher count.
- Focused interventionswill be taken upto enhance the participation of womenin the field of S&T with the ultimategoal of bringing gender parityin Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)
- All the programsproposed under the ‘Vigyan Dhara’ schemewould be aligned with the 5-year goals of DST towardsrealising thevision of Viksit Bharat 2047
- The R&D componentof the scheme will bealigned in line with the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF).