Preliminary & CSAT Online Test Series

 Total 33 Comprehensive Test

Preliminary & CSAT Online Test Series

When it comes to UPSC training, learning and practising are all that matter. With a vast variety of subjects that are also equally diverse, you need to not only master your understanding of topics which include International Relations, Politics, Geography, Economics, Science, Ecology and more but also practically see how you can apply them using your mental and analytical skills within the time-frame provided.

To systematically help you with this, we at Kamaraj IAS Academy have curated a test batch for aspiring UPSC candidates. As one of the best IAS coaching academies in Chennai, we want to help make sure that candidates are consistent with their learning and get enough practice to apply their knowledge confidently. By conducting regular weekly tests, we not only help you work on your descriptive /objective skills (needed for both Mains/Prelims) but also help you get better at your judgement-making and problem-solving skills. Divided into two, our Prelims test course is about 5 Months long while the Mains test course runs for about 2 1/2 months.

It is a comprehensive test program designed ensure sure success, it focuses on static and dynamic part of the syllabus. The test includes the proven procedure of reading, rehearsing and revising.

About The Test

  • Total 33 Comprehensive Test
  • Major focus on NCERT Materials: First 10 test (Test 1 to Test 10) will be based on NCERT (Basics and advanced), importance given to Current Affairs, India Year Book and other standard materials.
  • All the Questions are based on UPSC Standards.
  • Answer Key will be provided for each question.
  • Test will be live at 9.00 am on the specified date; can take exam at convenient timing.
 Total 33 Comprehensive Test

Test Series

Practice makes a man perfect is a proverb which tells us the importance of continuous practice in any subject to learn anything.

Continuous Practice of Test Series and Revision are the two main pillars to success in UPSC, TNPSC and in any other competitive exams for that matter.

By Taking Test Series Students can:

  1. Assess their Learning Capacity
  2. Improve Speed
  3. Correct their mistakes
  4. Have better Time Management
  5. Increase their self-confidence
  6. Develop Accuracy in answering
  7. Overcome exam anxiety
  8. Familiarity with the exam environment