Indian Economy Current Affairs Analysis
Tamil Nadu government has constituted State and district level committees to facilitate the 8th Economic Census.
It is conducted once in five years.
aimed at ascertaining the complete count of all the establishments within the State.
nation-wide 7th Economic Census was held in 2019, West Bengal did not take part.
All-India Report of the 6th Economic Census (the data collected
between 2013-14), Tamil Nadu had 8.60%, the fourth highest in the country in
terms of the total number of establishments
TN also accounted for 8.91% of the total employment in the country
The maximum number of larger establishments in the country was reported in
Tamil Nadu (13.81%).
The largest share in number of establishments under women entrepreneurship
was held by Tamil Nadu (13.51%).
followed by Kerala (11.35%), Andhra Pradesh (10.56%), the West Bengal
(10.33%) and Maharashtra (8.25%)