Electoral Bonds

Article Title: Electoral Bonds


Indian Polity Current Affairs Analysis

The government on Friday announced the sale of the 28th tranche of electoral bonds from October 4 to 13 at all authorised branches of the State Bank of India.

Electoral Bonds:

lBearer instrument

lPromissory Note

lInterest free banking instrument

lIt will not carry the name of payee

lValidity of the Bond: 15 Days

lEligible to Purchase:

A Citizen of India

a body incorporated in India


Multiples of1,000, `10,000, `1,00,000, `10,00,000 and `1,00,00,000

lBonds available Month:

January, April, July, and October

Sale Window: 10 Days

lIn November 2022, the government amended the scheme to grant itself the power to declare an extra fortnight of electoral bond sales in years when States and Union Territories with a legislature have elections.