Pingali Venkaya Naidu: The man who designed Tricolour

Article Title: Pingali Venkaya Naidu: The man who designed Tricolour


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Freedom fighterPingaliVenkayaNaidu wasborn on august 2, 1876.


PingaliVenkayya, often referred to asPingaliVenkayyaNaidu, was an influential Indian freedom fighter and the designer of the Indian national flag

Early Life and Background

1. Birth and Education:

- Born onAugust 2, 1876, in the village ofBhatlapenumarruin theKrishna district of Andhra Pradesh, India.

- He was well-educated, studying at various places including theMadras Christian Collegeand theAgricultural College atRajendranagar.

2. Early Interests:

-Venkayyahad a keen interest in the Indian independence movement from an early age. He was also passionate about agriculture and spent time working in this field.

Contributions to the Indian Independence Movement

1. Freedom Fighter:

-Venkayyawas deeply involved in the Indian independence movement. He joined the Indian National Congress and participated actively in various movements and campaigns against British colonial rule.

2Design of the Indian National Flag:

- His most notable contribution is thedesign of the Indian national flag.

In1921, duringthe Indian National CongresssessioninMadras,Venkayyapresented a flag design to Mahatma Gandhi.

- His original design consisted of two colors, red and green, representing the Hindu and Muslim communities, respectively, with a charka (spinning wheel) in the center. This was later modified to include a white band and a 24-spokeAshokaChakra in navy blue, which became the final version of the Indian flag adopted on August 15, 1947.

3. Post-Independence:

- After India gained independence in 1947,Venkayyacontinued to work for the betterment of society. He was recognized for his role in the freedom struggle and was honored for his contributions.

He continued his workin agriculture and social servicesuntil his death.

-PingaliVenkayyapassed away on July 4, 1963.