Tarang Shakti-2024

Article Title: Tarang Shakti-2024


Current Events Current Affairs Analysis

India will host its first multinational air exercise called Tarang Shakti-2024 in August 2024, with the participation of 10 countries and some others as observers.

1It is the first ever Indian multinational air exercise to be held later this year.

2The plan is to invite friendly foreign countries with whom the IAF interacts regularly and has a certain degree of interoperability

3Tarang Shakti was earlier planned to be held at the end of 2023, but got deferred.

4The exercise is now scheduled to be held in two phases.

5The first will be held in southern India in the first two weeks of August

6The second will be in the western sector from the end of August to mid-September.

7The Red Flag exercise, hosted by the U.S. Air Force (USAF).